Tuesday 12 November 2013

Questionnaire Analysis of Album Artwork

From the questionnaire conducted on members of our target audience, we were able to take the images from the question on CD cover image preferences, and see which criteria each image covered based on what they said they wanted (roll over images to see which criteria applies to the image)

As you can see from rolling over the image, it is clear that image 1 (top left) and image 3 (top right) were most applicable to the set of criteria the target audience indicated in the questionnaire. Therefore, when creating our CD Cover image we need to keep these both in mind when planning so we can produce something that appeals to the target audience. Image 3 was nominated as having the best font, whilst fitting 5 of the criteria. However, image 5 (bottom middle) also fitted 4 criteria and was not far behind image 1, therefore we should also take this image into consideration when planning, All three images are quite similar, so if we keep them in mind we should produce an image similar to these. 

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