Wednesday 6 November 2013

Digipack Insert Mood Board


Above are a collection of images reflecting our initial ideas for the digipack insert photography. We want the theme to be natural and understated but at the same time still glamorous and reflective of the industry and as professional and realistic as possible, and we are looking to achieve this through the use of clothing and makeup for example, the use of fur coats, face paints etc. We are likely to use a range of mid-shots as we don't want to include to many close ups as to distract from the striking cover image, but we also want to avoid long shots due to the fact we still want the artist to be the main focus. We gained inspiration from these images, in specific the kaleidoscope image. The kaleidoscope imagery is something that is commonly featured in dance videos and therefore is very suited to the genre, and we also like the effectiveness and variety the image can create.


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