Friday 5 July 2013

Settings Moodboard


This moodboard is a collection of images to communicate the ideas we have about where we are going to film our music video. The main location we are hoping to film at is Brighton, where we will have access to the beach, fair and surrounding scenery and locations. This setting will allow us to get high quality professional-looking footage in terms of mise-en-scene, and we hope to shoot over one day so that the weather and lighting is consistent. As well as this location, we want to merge this with several other scenes such as DJ and nightlife shots,  which works well with the genre of the music. We also want to get shots on transport, such as the train or car we will travel in.

Issues have been noted about the reliability of the weather, so we will plan in advance as much as possible in terms of the weather to assure the lighting and quality of the footage. 

Also, getting instruments and heavy equipment to the beach will not be an issue as we eliminated this idea through our questionnaire, as the target audience did not want instruments to feature in the video. 


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