I have discovered that the lyrics of a song play a key part in making a successful music video.
We identified a clear beginning middle and end for our music video, and also the overall themes we wanted to communicate through the video. W
Beginning: we decided the beginning would show the couple at happier times in their relationship, having a good time and enjoying each other's company so that she can 'long for the way she was'
Middle: we want to show the male becoming un-happy in the relationship, and add in subtle camera work techniques and footage to show the couple's relationship deteriorating. The relationship suggested by the lyrics shows the male is not giving her all his attention and putting his all into the relationship; therefore we want to use this as the trigger for the relationship going downhill. This would explain why she wants to be 'taken back' to the beginning when they were happy.
End: The female will finally get the courage to walk away from the male. She wants the love she had before but realises she is not going to get it. It's all or nothing and he wont give her his all so she feels she has no choice but to walk away. In the end we want to give the message that the female has in fact 'saved' herself by walking away from a relationship which was less than she deserved.
During the middle section, this is where the lyric 'take me back' is repeated. This is where we had the idea to cut back to the scenes from the beginning of their happier times as this is what she desires.
However, when the relationship starts to have problems we want to make the males ignorance and lack of interest as obvious as possible to the audience. We have had ideas of doing this through both shots to make his body language towards her obvious, and also through shots of arguments and anger towards one another to make it obvious the relationship is not working out and something is wrong. We want to show the female gaining independence and therefore the courage to walk alone.
The ending of the video should focus on the fact that the girl has realised she does not need to be 'saved' because his love is not 'strong' enough anymore. She will realise she deserves better and he will be the one left alone. She has always wanted to be 'saved' by him, but now she doesn't coinciding with the last lyric thats repeated 'so baby, don't save me'
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