Sunday, 30 June 2013

Questionnaire Analysis


We conducted a questionnaire on males and females ranging from 16 to 18 years old. It is helpful that this was the audience questioned as their opinions are relevant as the main target audience of the track we have chosen. One of the first questions asked the interviewees how often they watched music videos, from this we could judge how relevant their opinions on the following questions would be. All of the people interviewed watched music videos at least 5 times per month, with most falling into the several times per week category, and some daily. 

We composed questions carefully in order to find out all of the key information that would help us to make the most important decisions about the production of our music video. This way, we would address all the key issues and find out our target audiences opinions in order to generate statistics that would allow us to evaluate their needs and wants. It is essential for us to take into consideration the target audience's needs and wants at all times in order to make a desirable successful music video. 

We found that the audience wanted the main focus of the video to be on the characters, and less so on the scenery. This links in with the fact that they would also prefer to see a story line with a beginning, a middle, and an end. This suggests in terms of narrative that the viewers want something they can follow and invest in from beginning and end, with most of the footage being relevant to the story line. The audience wanted to see lip-syncing in the video, therefore we need to make sure we include scenes of lip-syncing whilst creating the story board, but this ties in with the fact the audience wanted less scenery footage. They did not want instruments to be shown being played, and so it can be concluded that most of the footage we take will need to be centered around the characters and the story being portrayed. 

The audience wanted the lyrics to work alongside the story line. This helped us a considerable amount because we could now narrow the ideas we had for the story line down to just those that corresponded with the lyrics; therefore a story line based around romance is most likely to be suitable.

We also could narrow these ideas down further as we asked what kind of story line the target audience would prefer to see. We gave them 4 options, and the favourite was relationships. This therefore supported the idea that was emerging of a romantic story line and made it even more suitable. 

Questions were also asked about characters, and we discovered that both male and female characters were wanted in the video, and so we will keep this in mind when casting characters to appear in the video. The audience also wanted the characters to be a similar age to themselves, so the people we cast as the characters will be between 16 and 18, or appear to be between those ages. 


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