Friday 21 June 2013

4 Week Action Plan


Week 4 – Preliminary Video
Lesson 1 – Film scenes of the music video
Lesson 2/3 – Edit footage together + sync song
Lesson 4 – Upload to Youtube and Blog with a  brieg explination

Week 5 – Textual Analysis
Lesson 1/2/3 - Conduct textual analysis on 4 different music videos (2 each)
Lesson 4 – Finalise and upload to blog

Week 6 – Questionnaire/Mood Boards
Lesson 1 – Plan and devise questions for questionnaire
Free Lesson – Collect data
Lesson 2 – Analyse data – create charts
Lesson 3 – first half: upload onto blogs
                    Second half: Create settings moodboard
Lesson 4 – finish settings moodboard and create character moodboard
(upload to blog)

Week 7 – Theory and Create storyboard
Lesson 1 – apply uses and gratifications/Andrew Goodwin’s theory to our findings
(upload to blog)
Lesson 2/3 – Begin to plan and create storyboard (draft)
Lesson 4 – university visit (absent)

Week 8 – Storyboard
Lesson 1/2/3/4 – refine and expand on draft, correct any errors and add in any ideas to the draft of the storyboard to make a second more detailed storyboard. 

Any additional blog work taken place in free lessons or in free time

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