Tuesday 4 March 2014

Evidence of Editing Insert Images


The above image demonstrates the changing of the brightness and contrast of the image, this is so that the white background and facial features can become more clear, prominent and without shadow whilst still maintaining that the colours are not too contrasted not are they saturated.

This image above shows the editing the image to black and white,  altering the colour levels whilst doing this so that different parts are darker, eg the Magenta section levels will be made higher so that her lipstick appears more statement and dark.

This above image shows the use of the burn tool. This tool is used to darken features such as her eye make-up, lips and roots in her hair to make everything seem stronger and bolder.

Here the dodge tool is selected, and used in the editing process to lighten Bellas hair and also to remove any dark circles from under her eye along with any make up smudges.


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