Thursday 16 January 2014

Evidence of Editing

The clip below shows the editing process of fading the top clip of Bella on top of the crowd shot. Here, the opacity is being lowered so that it appears in an overlay over the crowd shot. This way the crowd shot becomes more diverse and interesting and keeps the consumers attention.

In the following clip, the titles are being placed onto the opening clip. We created the text and positioned it onto the clip, which involved rotating it to fit in with the imagery. The text is placed in the windows, and remains whilst the train moves. This looks effective and professional therefore we decided that placing it here would be best.

The following image shows clips of Bella being cropped to fade over multiple different clips that were already in the timeline. The clips are of her miming the lyrics, and this effectively portrays her and communicates that she is the artist in the video. This is important to communicate, and her facial expression also contributes towards her emotions and the general story line we have aimed to portray in the video. In this particular clip we are rendering the footage, and the time this takes is dependent on the length of the clip rendering. 


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