Monday, 7 October 2013

Analysis of Existing Magazine Advertisements (Ancillary)


This first advertisement is for Florence and the Machine's tour with The XX. The album artwork is heavily featured in this advertisement and the block black coloured background used puts emphasis on this image and draws your eye in. This is important as consumers will most likely recognise the album artwork before they read what the advert is about, and so it has to catch their attention, which I believe it does successfully. Also, it promotes the album as well as the tour. The fonts are cleverly used to distinguish between florence and the XX as these are the fonts usually assigned and commonly       
associated with each of the artists; therefore they are highly recognisable. The date of the tour, including day, time and place are a main feature of this advertisement, and even though our production will see several dates listed, it is important that attention is drawn to them like in this advertisement, which I think is primarily down to the white/black contrast. There is also information of where and how to buy tickets which should feature in our own production. All the necessary information is featured and eye-catching however it doesn't dominate the advertisement, and this is why this advertisement is particularly successful.     

The second advertisement is for  AlunaGeorge's album tour named 'Body Music' after the album title. The album artwork again is heavily featured in this advertisement which appears to be a main aspect of most of the album tour  advertisements featuring in magazines; and I believe this is because in a magazine it is essential to create a page that is captivating and eye-catching due to the ease of flicking straight past it. The image is accompanied by the duo's name 'AlunaGeorge' in a bold strong font in a complimenting colour that works well with colours featuring in the image. The image itself is busy and is not just a basic image, which in itself makes the audience stop and look, and so we should consider this when planning our advert images. Again, the tour dates and location feature in the advertisement. Information of where to buy the tickets is then in a separate section, and I think this works well as this information could be easily lost due to the striking imagery used. This is something that we need to keep in mind as we do not want to lose smaller detail text with the large artwork and tour date info.                                                                                                                                           

The third advertisement is noticeably different in terms of the image used as the image continues over the entire page, where as in the other three advertisements, the album artwork is either restricted to a square on the page, or fades into a block colour so that text can feature on top of it and still be noticed. I think that this advertisement works well like this, but I feel adverts like that from AlunaGeorge where the image fades looks more aesthetically pleasing and isn't too much on the eye, as the text on this advert doesn't stand out on the page in the same way. However that being said, this image is very popular and distinctive and is very popular and easily associated with Disclosure, so in this case it works to their advantage having such a strong image covering the entire page. The artist name 'Disclosure' features at the top of this page in a bold capital font and the image has been worked so that there is space for this. This layout is more alike to what we will produce as there are several tour dates listed. The consistent use of font throughout this tour advertisement works effectively, and this also co-ordinates with what the target audience would prefer. There is also a link at the bottom of the page to direct the consumer to a website they can buy the album from. This is something that is commonly featured in the tour advertisements, and it appears that it is used as an additional album sale strategy. 

The final advertisement is of Alt J's tour at the O2 in Glasgow. This advertisement features an image influenced by the album artwork; however it is not identical. I think this is enough to be recognisable bfans of the album and the band, and the large font helps to identify which band is being advertised if there was any doubt because of the simplicity of the image. I think the simplistic take on this advertisement makes it particularly successful, as they're able to promote and be recognised with minimum effort, and in this case it appears that less is more. All of the information that is needed is printed clearly and the information of where to buy the tickets is featured in a separate section of the page, at the bottom. I think that this could influence our work as it communicates clearly the fact that the page should not be too busy, and only vital information should feature so that it is not too much to comprehend at a glance. If there was too much text or it was laid out in such way that it was difficult or effort to read, the consumers would most likely look past it. The font is used cleverly in this advertisement as the font used for the information is consistent and bold however the font used for the band name is their signature font that is associated with the band; therefore we should consider using the same font for the band name on both the CD cover and the advertisement. 

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